69 photos   4765 visits

member since 5 December 2010

Guys I have something to tell you

I`m not Miley~ I`m a big fake~
I`m so happy because nobody believe in me! I wanted to see how is to be a star!
I promised Miley that I will say the truth! And this is what I do now!
I`m so sorry!
Real Miley is MileyRayMe. I`m sorry guys!

Miley don't be upset on me!
xoxo Georgi
Be happy .. Because I`m
Be happy .. Because I`m
Love you more
Love you more
xoxo Georgi
xoxo Georgi

Comments • 8

HippieMusique 20 April 2011  
Hello!Can you please check my page and read the first album?Please!You can leave a comm if u want!Thx:)
Sellyx 15 December 2010  
Miley :-&she smokes;)
ProtectxMileyCoffeGirl 12 December 2010  
Very good!!
Thnx because you reconogzied!!
You're a good person!!
MissDemmiLovexxX 12 December 2010  
Yay! Finally,you recognize :]
Thnx you, you`re a good person.
Many fans pose as Miley..
Some recognize prd dlt account [good persons]
Some not recognize.....
@ excuse me for Mistakes :(
Miles Ray 12 December 2010  
Yeah..You are fake! Thank you for recongise. (:
xxMileyRayHerexx 12 December 2010  
Who`s talking!! Huh .. :))
DisneyPolice 12 December 2010  
She isn't Miley!
MileyRayMe 12 December 2010  
Gosh! You're not Disney Police (: Duuh! This is the official acocunt of Disney Police: disneypolicecompany.deget.net so you're MilezzDexiiiSmexiiCyrus :]
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